Bionatic Group: Sustainability as the Guiding Principle of Our Success
The companies of the Bionatic Group are committed to sustainability. Through the Climate Safe 360° initiative and ClimatePartner for the Biozoyg brand, all CO2 emissions – from resources to production, operations, transport, and reaching customers – are fully offset via global environmental protection projects.

All emissions are calculated in-house, and data is verified, reviewed, and certified by independent third parties (SGS or Intertek). Offsetting is achieved through Gold Standard climate protection projects.
Why did Green Box choose Climate Safe 360° ?
The Climate Safe 360° logo allows Green Box to communicate the added value of emissions compensation. Not only are the 1% of operational emissions offset, but the company adheres to the Cradle-to-Grave concept. This encompasses both the Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) and the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF). Calculations thus include raw materials, production and packaging, transport, shipping to customers, and disposal.

CO2 emissions are calculated by Climate Partner and offset through a VCS climate protection project selected by ecoware. Details on the approach and current climate protection project are accessible under ClimateID Tracking Ecoware GmbH & Co. KG The articles are marked with the following logo:
Additionally, ecoware’s Biozoyg shop on Amazon meets Climate Pledge Friendly guidelines, identified by the following seal:
Environmental and human resources measures
"Do green and talk about it"
This report summarises how we orient and shape our current entrepreneurial actions in relation to the environment and our employees. It includes both the strategies and the concrete measures implemented in the areas of processes, environment, society and human resources development. With our Green Report, we are not only looking at the past business year, but also into the future. With this report, we are therefore also setting ourselves new medium and long-term goals that will move us forward on the path to a more sustainable future.
"We understand sustainability to mean economic activity that takes into account ecological compatibility, social justice and, at the same time, economic performance."
Dipl.-Ing. Frederik Feuerhahn
Sustainability Manager of the Bionatic Group